Wireless Network Archives | Geeks on Site https://geeksonsite.com/category/wireless-network/ Home & Business Tech Solutions Sun, 24 Mar 2024 15:59:42 +0000 en hourly 1 https://geeksonsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/newgeekfav-4-50x50.png Wireless Network Archives | Geeks on Site https://geeksonsite.com/category/wireless-network/ 32 32 213947257 Easy Steps to Add a Canon Printer to Your Mac https://geeksonsite.com/smart-home/easy-steps-to-add-a-canon-printer-to-your-mac/ Sun, 24 Mar 2024 15:59:42 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=114331 This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the process of adding and configuring a Canon printer on your Mac. Whether you’re using a wired, wireless, or AirPrint setup, understanding how to properly connect your printer and troubleshoot potential issues is essential. Perfect for both tech novices and savvy users, this article demystifies the...

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This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the process of adding and configuring a Canon printer on your Mac. Whether you’re using a wired, wireless, or AirPrint setup, understanding how to properly connect your printer and troubleshoot potential issues is essential. Perfect for both tech novices and savvy users, this article demystifies the setup process, ensuring a smooth and efficient printing experience.

Connecting Your Canon Printer to a Wireless Network

To connect your Canon printer to a wireless network, start by ensuring your printer and Mac are on the same Wi-Fi network. Navigate to the printer’s control panel and use the wireless setup wizard to connect to your network. This step may require your network password.

Installing Canon Printer Drivers on Mac

Canon printer drivers are essential software components that facilitate communication between your Mac and printer. To install these drivers, visit Canon’s website, enter your printer model, and download the appropriate drivers. Once downloaded, open the file and follow the installation prompts.

Utilizing AirPrint for Easy Wireless Printing

AirPrint is a feature in macOS that allows for driverless printing to compatible printers. If your Canon printer supports AirPrint, select it from the print menu in any app. Ensure your Mac and printer are on the same network for this feature to work seamlessly.

Adding Your Canon Printer in Mac OS Settings

To add your printer to your Mac, open ‘System Preferences’ and select ‘Printers & Scanners’. Click the ‘+’ button to add a printer, and your Mac will search for available printers. Select your Canon printer from the list and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Setting Up a USB Connection with Your Canon Printer

For a USB connection, connect the USB cable from your printer to your Mac. Once connected, your Mac should automatically detect the printer and prompt you to download any necessary software. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Downloading and Installing Canon Printer Software

Some Canon printers require additional software for full functionality. Visit the Canon website, locate your printer model, and download the necessary software or utilities. Installation is usually straightforward, involving opening the downloaded file and following the installation wizard.

Troubleshooting Canon Printer Connection Issues on Mac

If you encounter issues, ensure your printer is turned on and connected to the same network as your Mac. Check for any error messages on the printer’s display and consult the Canon knowledge base or user manual for specific troubleshooting steps.

Regular Updates and Maintenance for Your Canon Printer

Keep your printer’s software and drivers up to date to ensure optimal performance. Regularly check for updates on the Canon website or set your printer to automatically update its firmware. This maintenance helps in prolonging the life and functionality of your printer.

Final Thoughts and Additional Resources

Setting up and maintaining your Canon printer on a Mac is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. For further assistance, Canon’s customer support, online forums, and YouTube tutorials are valuable resources. Enjoy your printing journey with your Canon and Mac, a combination that promises quality and convenience.

Streamlining Your Canon Printer Setup on Mac: A Path to Effortless Printing

To wrap up, the journey of adding and configuring your Canon printer on a Mac is filled with key steps that ensure seamless printing experiences. From selecting the right connection method to installing drivers and troubleshooting, each element plays a critical role in harmonizing your printer with your Mac ecosystem. Whether you’re setting up a PIXMA model for the first time or updating existing software, understanding these processes empowers you to manage your printing needs with confidence and ease. Embrace these insights and enjoy the convenience and efficiency of effortlessly printing from your Canon printer, knowing that you have the knowledge and tools at your fingertips to navigate any printing challenges on your Mac.

You can reach out to GeeksOnSite for the best services.

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On-Demand IT Support Services for Home and Business https://geeksonsite.com/tech-trends/on-demand-it-support-services-for-home-and-business/ Sun, 24 Mar 2024 12:45:52 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=114299 In today’s fast-paced business world, on-demand IT support has become a cornerstone for maintaining smooth operations. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of on-demand IT support, revealing why it’s a game-changer for businesses looking for reliable, expert solutions to their tech challenges. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, understanding how on-demand...

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In today’s fast-paced business world, on-demand IT support has become a cornerstone for maintaining smooth operations. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of on-demand IT support, revealing why it’s a game-changer for businesses looking for reliable, expert solutions to their tech challenges. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, understanding how on-demand IT support can bolster your infrastructure is key to staying competitive and secure.

What is On-Demand IT Support?

On-demand IT support offers businesses immediate access to IT expertise and solutions without the need for a full-time, in-house IT staff. This flexible support model is designed to address specific IT challenges as they arise, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution.

The Benefits of Managed IT Services

Managed IT services go beyond just on-demand support; they offer a proactive approach to managing your entire IT infrastructure. From monitoring and maintenance to cybersecurity, these services ensure your systems are always running smoothly and securely.

Expert Solutions at Your Fingertips

One of the greatest advantages of on-demand IT support is the immediate access to a wide range of experts. Whether you need help with hardware, software, or cybersecurity, there’s always a specialist ready to assist you.

Why Trust is Essential in Choosing an IT Provider

Trust is paramount when selecting an IT support provider. A trustworthy provider not only resolves current issues but also anticipates potential problems, keeping your operations secure and uninterrupted.

How On-Demand IT Services Enhance Productivity

By quickly resolving IT issues, on-demand IT services minimize downtime, directly boosting productivity. Employees can focus on core business tasks rather than troubleshooting tech problems.

The Role of IT Support in Infrastructure Management

A good IT support service plays a critical role in managing and optimizing your IT infrastructure. From network setup to database management, they ensure all your tech components work seamlessly together.

Offering More Than Just Support: The Help Desk

An IT help desk does more than just solve immediate problems; it offers ongoing support and guidance. This service can be particularly beneficial for training staff on new technologies or systems.

Ensuring Reliable and Responsive Customer Service

Responsiveness is key in IT support. A reliable service provider should offer quick response times and effective solutions, ensuring your business operations are not hindered by tech issues. Read more here.

Understanding On-Site vs. Remote IT Support

On-demand IT support can be provided both on-site and remotely. Understanding the pros and cons of each can help you choose the best option for your specific needs.

Exploring the Synergy of Computers and Managed Services

Computers are the backbone of modern businesses, but their complexity often requires specialized knowledge for optimal operation. Managed services offer a seamless solution, providing expertise and resources to ensure that your computer systems are always functioning efficiently. This partnership not only boosts productivity but also enhances the overall reliability of your computer infrastructure.

Maximizing Efficiency: How Managed Services Enhance Computer Operations

Managed services play a critical role in optimizing the performance of computer systems. They implement proactive strategies to maintain system health, prevent downtime, and streamline operations. This level of management goes beyond mere troubleshooting; it involves a holistic approach to enhancing the efficiency and longevity of computer systems.

The Advantage of Scalable IT Solutions for Growing Businesses

Scalable IT solutions grow with your business, adapting to changing needs and demands. This flexibility is crucial for businesses looking to expand without the worry of outgrowing their IT support.

Compliance and Cybersecurity: Keeping Your Business Safe

In an era of increasing cyber threats, having a competent IT support team ensures your business remains compliant with security standards and protected against potential breaches.

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Business Needs

Every business has unique IT needs. On-demand IT support can provide customized solutions that cater specifically to your business’s requirements and objectives.

Choosing the Right On-Demand IT Support Provider

Selecting the right provider involves considering their expertise, response time, customer service quality, and ability to understand your business’s unique challenges and goals.

In conclusion, on-demand IT support and managed IT services offer a powerful solution for businesses looking to enhance their tech infrastructure without the overhead of an internal IT team. These services not only resolve immediate issues but also proactively manage and optimize your systems, ensuring your business runs smoothly and stays ahead of potential tech challenges. With the right provider, you can focus on growing your core business, knowing your IT needs are expertly handled.

Avail the best services at GeeksOnSite now!

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Tips for Waking a Computer From Sleep Mode https://geeksonsite.com/wireless-network/tips-for-waking-a-computer-from-sleep-mode/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:42:46 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=111865 Sleep mode is a power-saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation (typically within several seconds) when you want to start working again. However, waking a computer from sleep mode can sometimes be tricky, especially in Windows 10 or 11. This article will guide you through various methods to wake your computer...

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Sleep mode is a power-saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation (typically within several seconds) when you want to start working again. However, waking a computer from sleep mode can sometimes be tricky, especially in Windows 10 or 11. This article will guide you through various methods to wake your computer from sleep mode, troubleshoot common issues, and understand the role of devices like the keyboard or mouse in this process.

Understanding Sleep Mode in Windows 10

Sleep mode in Windows 10 is designed to save power when you’re not using your computer. It reduces power consumption by shutting down most components while keeping the system state in memory for quick resumption. Understanding how sleep mode works is key to effectively managing your computer’s power usage.

The Basics of Waking Your Computer from Sleep

Waking your computer from sleep mode is typically straightforward. For most systems, simply pressing any key on the keyboard, clicking the mouse, or pressing the power button should suffice. This action signals the computer to exit sleep mode and resume normal operation. It’s a quick and energy-efficient way to get back to work without the longer wait times associated with booting up from a shut-down state.

Using Keyboard or Mouse to Wake Your Computer

Many users prefer using a keyboard or mouse to wake their computer, as it’s convenient and intuitive. To enable this feature, access the device’s properties in the Device Manager and select the ‘Power Management’ tab. Ensure the ‘Allow this device to wake the computer’ option is checked. This setting is particularly useful in office environments or home setups where you need quick access to your computer.

Troubleshooting: When Your Computer Won’t Wake Up

If your computer doesn’t wake up from sleep mode, check the power connections and ensure the battery (if using a laptop) isn’t drained. If these aren’t issues, a forced restart by holding the power button for a few seconds can help. For recurring problems, delve into power settings or update your system’s drivers. Sometimes, disabling and re-enabling the sleep mode feature in the power settings can also rectify the issue.

“Allow This Device to Wake”: Streamlining Your Wake-Up Process

To ensure your keyboard or mouse can wake your computer from sleep, navigate to the Device Manager, find your device, and go to its properties. Under the ‘Power Management’ tab, check the box next to ‘Allow this device to wake the computer.’ This setting ensures that a simple mouse movement or keypress can bring your computer out of sleep mode, making the wake-up process more intuitive and user-friendly.

Click OK: Finalizing Your Power Settings

After adjusting your computer’s power settings, it’s crucial to click ‘OK’ to save the changes. Whether you’re modifying the sleep timer or altering the power plan, clicking ‘OK’ ensures that your preferences are applied. This simple step is often overlooked but is essential to ensure that your adjustments take effect, providing a seamless experience in managing your computer’s power usage.

Navigating the Control Panel for Power Options

The Control Panel in Windows is a central hub for adjusting various system settings, including power options. To modify your power settings, open the Control Panel, and look for ‘Power Options.’ Here, you can customize how your computer uses power, which is especially useful for managing how and when your computer enters sleep mode.

Double-Click: Accessing Advanced Power Settings

To access advanced power settings, double-click on your chosen power plan in the Control Panel. This action opens a window where you can fine-tune various aspects of your power usage, such as adjusting the sleep timer or changing what closing the laptop lid does. Double-clicking provides a deeper level of customization for users looking to optimize their power consumption and system behavior.

Customizing Your Power Plan for Optimal Performance

Creating a custom power plan tailored to your usage can significantly enhance your computer’s performance and energy efficiency. In the Control Panel, under ‘Power Options,’ you can create a new power plan that aligns with your specific needs, whether it’s for maximizing battery life or ensuring high performance. Customizing your power plan allows you to strike the perfect balance between performance and energy usage.

Adjusting Power Management Settings for Easier Wake-Up

To facilitate an easier wake-up from sleep mode, adjust your computer’s power management settings. Access these settings through the Control Panel or System Settings. Here, you can modify how your computer enters sleep mode and what actions can wake it up. Adjusting settings like ‘sleep after’ time and enabling ‘wake timers’ can make waking your computer more responsive and tailored to your usage patterns.

The Role of BIOS in Computer Wake-Up Issues

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) settings can significantly impact how your computer wakes from sleep. Some BIOS configurations may prevent proper wake-up or cause the computer to enter sleep mode prematurely. Accessing the BIOS setup (usually by pressing a key like F2 or DEL during startup) allows you to check and adjust power management settings and sleep mode settings, potentially resolving wake-up issues.

Wireless Devices and Sleep Mode: What You Need to Know

Wireless devices like Bluetooth keyboards and mice can sometimes cause complications with sleep mode. These devices may not always wake the computer due to connectivity issues or power-saving features. Ensuring your wireless devices are set to ‘allow this device to wake the computer’ in their power management settings can help. Also, updating your device drivers can improve their compatibility with sleep mode functions.

Hibernate vs. Sleep: Which Is Better for Your Computer?

Hibernate and sleep are two power-saving states in Windows, but they serve different purposes. Hibernate saves your current session to the hard drive and completely powers off your computer, which is more energy-efficient for extended periods of inactivity. On the other hand, sleep keeps the session in memory and uses a small amount of power to resume work quickly. Sleep is more convenient for short breaks, while hibernation is better for longer durations.

Power Button Wake-Up: A Reliable Solution

Using the power button to wake your computer from sleep is a simple and reliable method. This can be especially useful if other wake-up methods like keyboard or mouse clicks are unresponsive. To use this feature, simply press the power button briefly, and your computer should exit sleep mode. Ensure that your power button settings are configured correctly in the system’s power options to facilitate this functionality.


Navigating sleep mode and wake-up issues in Windows 10 can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and troubleshooting steps, you can ensure your computer wakes up smoothly every time. From adjusting power settings to understanding the role of BIOS and hardware, these tips will help you master sleep mode on your computer.

If you’ve tried all the above methods and your computer still struggles with sleep mode issues, it might be time to seek professional help. Persistent problems could indicate deeper hardware or software issues that require expert attention. Contact us now.

The post Tips for Waking a Computer From Sleep Mode appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Why Does My Wi-Fi Work on my Phone but not on my Laptop? https://geeksonsite.com/wireless-network/why-does-my-wi-fi-work-on-my-phone-but-not-on-my-laptop/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:32:36 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=111858 Wi-Fi connectivity is essential in our daily lives, especially when using laptops. However, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues where Wi-Fi works on some devices but not others, like a laptop. This comprehensive guide will explore common laptop Wi-Fi problems, particularly focusing on why your laptop might struggle to connect to Wi-Fi when other devices...

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Wi-Fi connectivity is essential in our daily lives, especially when using laptops. However, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues where Wi-Fi works on some devices but not others, like a laptop. This comprehensive guide will explore common laptop Wi-Fi problems, particularly focusing on why your laptop might struggle to connect to Wi-Fi when other devices like phones don’t. Whether you’re a Windows 10 user or have different operating systems, this article is packed with practical solutions to restore your Wi-Fi.

Understanding How Wi-Fi Works on Laptops

Wi-Fi allows laptops to access the internet without being physically connected to a router. However, several factors, including router issues, Wi-Fi adapter problems, and network configuration settings, can affect its performance. Understanding these elements is key to diagnosing and fixing Wi-Fi issues.

Wi-Fi vs. Ethernet: Which Should You Choose for Your Laptop?

Choosing between Wi-Fi and Ethernet for your laptop depends on your needs. Wi-Fi offers the convenience of wireless connectivity, ideal for mobility and devices without Ethernet ports. However, Ethernet provides a more stable and faster connection, beneficial for high-bandwidth activities like gaming or streaming. Ethernet minimizes latency and interference issues common with Wi-Fi. For general browsing and flexibility, Wi-Fi is sufficient, but for tasks requiring consistent high speeds and reliability, Ethernet is the better choice.

Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Adapter Issues in Laptops

Wi-Fi adapter issues in laptops can manifest as intermittent connectivity, slow speeds, or inability to connect to networks. Common troubleshooting steps include restarting your laptop, toggling the Wi-Fi function off and on, and checking for physical Wi-Fi switch settings. If these don’t work, investigate the device manager to inspect the Wi-Fi adapter status. Sometimes, disabling and re-enabling the adapter can resolve issues. If problems persist, consider checking for system updates or potential conflicts with recently installed software.

Modem Troubleshooting: Ensuring Smooth Internet Connectivity

A modem is a crucial device in establishing your internet connection. Checking your modem should be among the first steps when facing connectivity issues. Start by examining the modem’s power and connection status through its indicator lights. A simple power cycle – turning the modem off and then on after a minute – can often resolve temporary glitches. If problems persist, check for firmware updates or reset the modem to its factory settings. Resetting will erase all custom settings, so be prepared to reconfigure your network. Regular modem maintenance, like keeping it in a well-ventilated area, can prevent future issues.

Network Driver Updates: Key to Optimal Wi-Fi Performance

Network drivers are pivotal in how your laptop communicates with Wi-Fi networks. Outdated or corrupt network drivers can lead to various connectivity issues, from slow internet speeds to complete loss of Wi-Fi access. To ensure optimal performance, regularly check and update your network drivers. You can do this through the Device Manager in Windows, where you can see if any updates are available for your network adapter. Manufacturers often release driver updates to improve performance and compatibility with newer network technologies, so keeping these drivers up-to-date is crucial for a seamless internet experience.

How to Reset Your Router for Better Laptop Connectivity

Resetting your router can often resolve connectivity issues with your laptop. To reset, unplug the router from the power source, wait for about 30 seconds to a minute, and then plug it back in. This action clears the router’s memory and refreshes its settings, potentially fixing connectivity problems. It’s a simple yet effective first step in troubleshooting network issues. Remember, resetting the router will temporarily disrupt your internet connection, so inform other users if necessary.

Connect To Wi-Fi: The Role of DNS in Laptop Wi-Fi Problems

DNS (Domain Name System) issues can cause web pages to load slowly or not at all on your laptop. When DNS servers are slow or unresponsive, they can hinder your laptop’s ability to resolve website addresses. To troubleshoot, try changing your DNS server settings to a more reliable service like Google DNS or OpenDNS. Flushing your DNS cache can also help, as it removes old data that might be causing connection problems. Adjusting these settings can significantly improve browsing speed and reliability.

Network Troubleshooter: A Handy Tool for Wi-Fi Issues

The Network Troubleshooter is an invaluable tool built into most operating systems, including Windows. It can automatically diagnose and resolve common Wi-Fi issues. To use it, access your network settings and select the troubleshooting option. The tool checks for problems like incorrect settings, network adapter issues, or signal interruptions and attempts to fix them or provides recommendations. It’s a user-friendly first step for anyone experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity problems.

Updating Network Adapter Drivers for Improved Wi-Fi

Outdated network adapter drivers can lead to various Wi-Fi issues on your laptop. Keeping these drivers updated ensures optimal performance and compatibility with your network. To update, go to the Device Manager, find your network adapter, and check for driver updates. You can also visit the laptop manufacturer’s website for the latest driver software. Regular updates can enhance connection stability, speed, and overall Wi-Fi performance, providing a smoother internet experience.

Is Your Firewall Blocking Laptop Wi-Fi Access?

Firewalls are crucial for protecting your laptop from online threats, but they can sometimes interfere with Wi-Fi access. If you’re experiencing connectivity issues, check your firewall settings. It might be mistakenly blocking your Wi-Fi connection or specific network services. Temporarily disabling the firewall can help determine if it’s the cause of the problem. If Wi-Fi access improves with the firewall off, adjust the settings to allow network access while maintaining security. Remember, it’s essential to re-enable your firewall afterward to protect your laptop from potential cyber threats.

Switching Between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Networks

Most modern routers offer dual-band functionality, allowing devices to connect to either 2.4GHz or 5GHz networks. The 2.4GHz band provides broader coverage but at slower speeds and is more susceptible to interference. In contrast, the 5GHz band offers faster speeds and less interference but has a shorter range. Switching between these bands can optimize your Wi-Fi experience based on your needs. Use 5GHz for high-bandwidth activities like streaming or gaming close to the router, and switch to 2.4GHz for general use over longer distances.

Top Posts: When to Consider Hardware Repairs for Wi-Fi Issues

If you’ve exhausted all software troubleshooting methods for Wi-Fi issues and problems persist, it might be time to consider hardware repairs. This is particularly relevant if your laptop consistently fails to detect Wi-Fi networks, experiences frequent disconnections, or has significantly slower speeds than other devices on the same network. Hardware issues could stem from a faulty Wi-Fi card or antenna problems. In such cases, consult a professional technician to diagnose and repair the hardware. Remember, attempting DIY repairs on laptop hardware can be risky and might void your warranty.

Conclusion – Fix Wi-Fi to Be Working On Phone and Laptop

Wi-Fi connectivity issues on laptops can be frustrating, but they are often solvable with basic knowledge and troubleshooting steps. From resetting your router to updating your network adapter drivers, several ways exist to address and fix Wi-Fi problems. Remember, consistent maintenance and staying updated with the latest software and drivers are key to ensuring a smooth Wi-Fi experience on your laptop. Read more here.

Don’t risk spoiling your computer; get in touch with the experts at GeeksonSite. We’ll be more than happy to help out!

The post Why Does My Wi-Fi Work on my Phone but not on my Laptop? appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Is Your Router Ready for Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6? How to Check https://geeksonsite.com/blog/is-your-router-ready-for-wi-fi-6-wifi-6-how-to-check/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:39:03 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=111845 Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, is the latest evolution in wireless networking technology. This article explores the revolutionary features of Wi-Fi 6, its compatibility with existing devices, and why upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router is essential for anyone looking to enhance their internet experience. With the increasing number of devices connecting to our...

The post Is Your Router Ready for Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6? How to Check appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, is the latest evolution in wireless networking technology. This article explores the revolutionary features of Wi-Fi 6, its compatibility with existing devices, and why upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router is essential for anyone looking to enhance their internet experience. With the increasing number of devices connecting to our home networks, understanding the capabilities of Wi-Fi 6 is crucial for seamless, efficient, and faster internet connectivity and to

Understanding Wi-Fi 6: The Latest Wireless Standard

Wi-Fi 6, the newest Wi-Fi standard, significantly improves over its predecessor, Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). It’s designed to provide faster speeds, increased capacity, and better performance, especially in environments with many connected devices.

Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5: What Are the Key Differences?

The leap from Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6 is substantial. Wi-Fi 6 offers improved data rates, lower latency, and increased efficiency. This is achieved through advanced technologies like OFDMA and MU-MIMO, enhancing the network’s ability to handle multiple devices simultaneously.

The Benefits of a Wi-Fi 6 Router in Your Home Network

Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router brings numerous benefits, including faster internet speeds, improved range, and more efficient data handling. This is particularly beneficial in homes with multiple streaming devices, gaming consoles, and smart home gadgets.

Know If Your Router Supports Wi-Fi 6: Is Your Device Compatible with Wi-Fi 6?

Wi-Fi 6 is backward compatible, meaning it works with older devices, though they won’t benefit from the full capabilities of the new standard. To experience significant performance improvements, your devices need to support Wi-Fi 6 specifically.

Wi-Fi 6 and Smart Home Devices: A Perfect Match

Wi-Fi 6 is ideal for smart homes, offering the bandwidth and efficiency to support many connected devices. From smart thermostats to security cameras, Wi-Fi 6 ensures that your smart home devices function seamlessly.

The Role of WPA3 in Wi-Fi 6 Security

WPA3, the latest security protocol, offers enhanced encryption and protection against brute-force attacks, making your Wi-Fi network more secure. A router with WPA3 support provides peace of mind, knowing that your network offers the latest security measures.

802.11ax: The Technical Backbone of Wi-Fi 6

Designers created 802.11ax, or Wi-Fi 6, to handle more data and provide faster speeds than its predecessor, 802.11ac. Advanced technologies like OFDMA and MU-MIMO achieve this by allowing more efficient data transmission, especially in crowded networks.

Do You Need to Upgrade to a Wi-Fi 6 Router?

To stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of internet technology, ensuring your router supports Wi-Fi 6 is crucial. A router with Wi-Fi 6 support can handle more devices and provide faster speeds, making it a smart choice for households with multiple internet-connected devices.

Choosing the Best Wi-Fi 6 Router for Your Needs

When selecting a Wi-Fi 6 router, consider factors like the size of your home, the number of devices you need to connect, and specific features like parental controls or guest networks. Brands like Asus offer a range of Wi-Fi 6 routers to suit different needs and budgets.

Setting Up Your Wi-Fi 6 Network for Optimal Performance

Setting up a Wi-Fi 6 network involves selecting a compatible router and ensuring your devices can connect. It may also include updating device firmware and adjusting your network settings for optimal performance.

Embracing the Future: Support for Wi-Fi 6 in Modern Devices

Modern devices increasingly support Wi-Fi 6, offering users significant enhancements in wireless networking. Wi-Fi 6 allows you to experience faster speeds, improved efficiency, and better performance in high-traffic areas. This support ensures your devices are ready for the most advanced wireless technology available, providing a seamless and efficient online experience.

Wi-Fi 6E: Expanding the Possibilities of Wireless Connectivity

Wi-Fi 6E takes wireless networking to new heights by extending Wi-Fi 6 capabilities into the 6 GHz band. This expansion offers additional channels and less interference, resulting in faster speeds and more reliable connections. Wi-Fi 6E is perfect for bandwidth-intensive applications, providing a cutting-edge solution for modern connectivity needs.


Wi-Fi 6 represents a significant step forward in wireless networking technology. With its enhanced speed, capacity, and efficiency, it’s an upgrade worth considering for anyone looking to improve their wireless experience. Whether for a smart home filled with connected devices or simply for better internet performance, Wi-Fi 6 offers tangible benefits that make it a compelling choice for an upgrade. For technical assistance, contact us now.

The post Is Your Router Ready for Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6? How to Check appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Understanding Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6 Compatibility: What You Need to Know https://geeksonsite.com/wireless-network/is-wi-fi-6-backwards-compatible-find-out-here/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:12:50 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=111842 The post Understanding Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6 Compatibility: What You Need to Know appeared first on Geeks on Site.


Wi-Fi 6, the latest advancement in wireless technology, is not just a step forward in internet connectivity; it’s a leap. This article delves into the world of Wi-Fi 6, exploring its compatibility, especially its backward compatibility with older standards like Wi-Fi 5. Understanding Wi-Fi 6 is crucial for personal and professional users looking to upgrade their wireless experience. We’ll explore why this new technology is worth the upgrade and how it seamlessly integrates with existing devices.


Introduction to Wi-Fi 6: The Future of Wireless Networking

Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, represents the cutting edge of wireless technology. It’s designed to improve speed, increase efficiency, and reduce congestion in heavy bandwidth usage scenarios. Unlike its predecessor, Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 is equipped to handle the growing demands of internet-connected devices, making it ideal for modern homes and offices with IoT devices.

Is Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 Router Worth It?

Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router can significantly enhance your wireless network’s performance. With higher throughput and improved capacity, Wi-Fi 6 routers can handle more devices simultaneously, making them ideal for busy households or offices. The upgrade is particularly noticeable in environments with multiple high-bandwidth users, where Wi-Fi 6 efficiently manages airtime and reduces latency.


Is Wi-Fi 6 Backwards Compatible

One of the key features of Wi-Fi 6 is its backward compatibility. This means that even if your devices are not Wi-Fi 6 capable, they can still connect to a Wi-Fi 6 router. This backward compatibility ensures a smooth transition as you gradually update your devices to the latest standard.


Wi-Fi 6 and the 6 GHz Spectrum: What Does It Mean?

Wi-Fi 6 extends into the 6 GHz frequency band, providing more bandwidth and less interference. This expansion means faster speeds and more reliable connections, especially in areas with many wireless networks. However, to fully utilize this spectrum, the router and client devices must support the 6 GHz band.


Maximizing Your Network with Wi-Fi 6 Devices

To fully experience the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, it’s ideal to have Wi-Fi 6 compatible devices. These devices can take advantage of the faster speeds and improved efficiency offered by Wi-Fi 6 routers, providing a more seamless and responsive online experience.


The Technicalities of Wi-Fi 6: Speed, Efficiency, and Airtime

Wi-Fi 6 isn’t just about faster speeds; it’s about efficiency. Technologies like OFDMA and MU-MIMO allow Wi-Fi 6 routers to communicate more effectively with multiple devices simultaneously, optimizing airtime and reducing wait times for data transmission.


Compatibility Issues: Wi-Fi 6 and Older Devices

To answer the question, Is Wi-Fi 6 Backwards Compatible? Indeed Wi-Fi 6 is backward compatible, older devices may not fully utilize the new features and improvements. However, due to improved router efficiency, they can still connect and operate on a Wi-Fi 6 network, often with better performance than on older networks.


Wi-Fi 6 Routers: The Best Options from Asus and Others

Brands like Asus are at the forefront of Wi-Fi 6 technology, offering routers like the Asus XT8 that provide exceptional coverage and speed. When choosing a Wi-Fi 6 router, consider factors like the number of devices, coverage area, and specific features like parental controls or app-based management.


Setting Up Your Wi-Fi 6 Network for Optimal Performance

Setting up a Wi-Fi 6 network involves more than plugging in a new router. To optimize performance, update firmware regularly, position your router strategically, and ensure that your devices use the correct frequency bands for their capabilities.


The Future of Wi-Fi: Beyond Wi-Fi 6

As technology evolves, so does Wi-Fi. The next iteration, Wi-Fi 6E, expands on Wi-Fi 6 by adding support for the 6 GHz band, offering even more bandwidth and less interference. Staying updated with these advancements is key to keeping your network fast and efficient.



Wi-Fi 6 is more than an upgrade; it’s a transformation in wireless networking, offering unparalleled speed, efficiency, and capacity. Its backward compatibility ensures it’s a smart investment for current and future needs. Whether streaming, gaming, or browsing, Wi-Fi 6 provides a robust and reliable wireless experience. Embracing this new technology means embracing a more connected and efficient future.

You can contact Geeksonsite’s experts today for technical assistance and guidance here.


The post Understanding Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6 Compatibility: What You Need to Know appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Upgrade Your Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6 Router Technology https://geeksonsite.com/tech-trends/upgrade-your-wi-fi-with-wi-fi-6-wifi-6-router-technology/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:43:47 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=111838 Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, is revolutionizing how we connect to the internet, offering faster speeds, greater capacity, and improved efficiency. This article explores the ins and outs of Wi-Fi 6 technology, focusing on its compatibility with existing devices and the need to upgrade to a Wi-Fi 6 router. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast...

The post Upgrade Your Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6 Router Technology appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, is revolutionizing how we connect to the internet, offering faster speeds, greater capacity, and improved efficiency. This article explores the ins and outs of Wi-Fi 6 technology, focusing on its compatibility with existing devices and the need to upgrade to a Wi-Fi 6 router. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just someone looking to improve your home network, understanding Wi-Fi 6 and its benefits is essential in today’s connected world.

Introduction to Wi-Fi 6 and Its Advancements

Wi-Fi 6, officially known as 802.11ax, marks a significant advancement in wireless technology, setting a new standard for internet connectivity. As the successor to Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 brings notable speed, efficiency, and capacity improvements. It’s engineered to cater to the ever-increasing demand for faster and more reliable Wi-Fi, especially in environments crowded with multiple devices. Wi-Fi 6 achieves this through advanced technologies like Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO), which allow more efficient data handling and improved bandwidth management. This results in up to 40% higher peak data rates than Wi-Fi 5.

Additionally, Wi-Fi 6 offers better performance in dense areas and improved power efficiency, which is particularly beneficial for battery-powered devices. These enhancements make Wi-Fi 6 a game-changer in wireless networking, providing a smoother, faster, and more responsive internet experience in homes and businesses.

Why Upgrade to a WiFi 6 Router?

Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router is essential for those looking to maximize their internet speed and efficiency. With Wi-Fi 6, you can enjoy enhanced performance, especially in crowded networks, and better manage multiple devices simultaneously, making it ideal for modern, connected homes.

Ensuring Your Router Supports Wi-Fi 6 for Optimal Performance

To fully experience the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, it’s crucial to ensure that your router supports this latest standard. A Wi-Fi 6-compatible router significantly improves speed, capacity, and efficiency. This is particularly important in households with multiple devices or in areas with high network demands. Upgrading to a router that supports Wi-Fi 6 can transform your wireless network, providing faster connections, reduced latency, and a more reliable Wi-Fi experience. Check your router’s specifications or consult the manufacturer to confirm if it supports the 802.11ax standard, synonymous with Wi-Fi 6.

Is Your PC Connected to Wi-Fi 6?

Ensure your PC supports the standard to take full advantage of Wi-Fi 6. Check the documentation that came with your device or the manufacturer’s website to confirm compatibility. Windows 10 and 11 users can manage Wi-Fi connections easily and check for Wi-Fi 6 support.

Understanding The Backbone, 802.11ax

802.11ax, or Wi-Fi 6, is designed to handle more data and provide faster speeds than its predecessor, 802.11ac. This is achieved through advanced technologies like OFDMA and MU-MIMO, which allow more efficient data transmission, especially in crowded networks.

Maximizing Home Internet

Support for Wi-Fi 6 in your devices and network infrastructure is key to unlocking the full potential of your home internet. Devices supporting Wi-Fi 6, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, can use this new wireless standard’s increased speeds and efficiency. This support ensures that your devices can handle bandwidth-intensive tasks like streaming 4K videos, online gaming, and large file downloads more smoothly and reliably.

Compatibility and Differences

Wi-Fi 6 is backward compatible with older devices, including those that support Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). However, to experience the full benefits of Wi-Fi 6, both the router and the connected devices should support the new standard.

Choosing the Right Router for Your Needs

When selecting a Wi-Fi 6 router, consider factors like the size of your home, the number of devices you need to connect, and specific features like parental controls or guest networks. Brands like Asus offer a range of Wi-Fi 6 routers to suit different needs.

How to Use Wi-Fi 6 for a Superior Wireless Experience

Using Wi-Fi 6 in your home or office setup requires a compatible router and devices. Once you have a Wi-Fi 6 router, connect your devices to the network as you normally would. You’ll notice improvements in speed and connectivity, especially in areas with many connected devices. Wi-Fi 6 is designed to handle multiple connections more efficiently, reducing network congestion and enhancing overall performance. For the best experience, ensure that your devices are updated to the latest software versions and that your router’s firmware is current, maximizing the capabilities of Wi-Fi 6 technology.

Setting Up Your Network

Setting up your Wi-Fi 6 network begins with selecting a Wi-Fi 6-compatible router. Once you have the router, position it centrally in your home or office to ensure maximum coverage. Connect the router to your modem and power it on. Using a computer or smartphone, access the router’s settings through its web interface or a dedicated app. Configure your network settings, including SSID (network name) and password, ensuring you choose strong security protocols like WPA3. Update the router’s firmware to the latest version for optimal performance. Finally, connect your Wi-Fi 6 compatible devices to the network for faster speeds and improved connectivity.

Optimizing Your Network

Optimizing your Wi-Fi network to leverage Wi-Fi 6 capabilities can significantly enhance your wireless internet experience. A network that supports Wi-Fi 6 benefits from increased data rates, improved efficiency, and better performance in crowded areas. To optimize your network, start by upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router. Then, connect your compatible devices to the network. Position your router in a central location to ensure wide coverage and minimize obstructions that could impede signal strength. Regularly updating your router’s firmware and managing your network settings can help maintain optimal performance.

The Future of Wi-Fi

The evolution of Wi-Fi technology doesn’t stop here. Wi-Fi 6E and the upcoming Wi-Fi 7 promise even greater speeds and capacities, keeping up with the ever-increasing demands of internet users.


Wi-Fi 6 represents a significant advancement in wireless networking, offering faster speeds, increased capacity, and improved efficiency. Whether streaming, gaming, or browsing, a Wi-Fi 6 router can enhance your online experience. As we continue to connect more devices to our networks, the importance of a robust and efficient Wi-Fi standard becomes increasingly clear. Wi-Fi 6 is not just a new standard; it’s a necessary evolution for our increasingly connected world.

To benefit from these advancements, check if your current devices are Wi-Fi 6 compatible or consider upgrading to newer models that offer this support. For expert advice and assistance, contact us here.

The post Upgrade Your Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi 6 / WiFi 6 Router Technology appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Is Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 Worth It? A Comprehensive Guide https://geeksonsite.com/blog/is-upgrading-to-wi-fi-6-worth-it-a-comprehensive-guide/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:43:36 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=111832 In the ever-evolving world of technology, Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, has emerged as a game-changer in wireless networking. This article delves into the world of Wi-Fi 6, exploring its features and benefits and whether Wi-Fi 6 is worth upgrading from Wi-Fi 5 or earlier versions. With the increasing number of connected devices in...

The post Is Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 Worth It? A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Geeks on Site.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, Wi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, has emerged as a game-changer in wireless networking. This article delves into the world of Wi-Fi 6, exploring its features and benefits and whether Wi-Fi 6 is worth upgrading from Wi-Fi 5 or earlier versions. With the increasing number of connected devices in our homes and workplaces, understanding the capabilities of Wi-Fi 6 is crucial for anyone considering upgrading their wireless network.

Introduction to Wi-Fi 6: The New Era of Wireless Networking

Wi-Fi 6, officially known as 802.11ax, heralds a new era in wireless networking, setting a groundbreaking standard for internet connectivity. As the successor to Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 brings significant advancements in speed, efficiency, and network capacity. It’s engineered to cater to the burgeoning demands of a digitally connected world, where the number of devices per household rapidly increases. Wi-Fi 6 enhances performance through cutting-edge technologies like Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO).

These innovations allow for more efficient data handling and improved bandwidth management, resulting in up to 40% higher peak data rates than Wi-Fi 5. Additionally, Wi-Fi 6 offers better performance in dense environments and improved power efficiency, which is particularly beneficial for battery-powered devices. These enhancements make Wi-Fi 6 a transformative force in wireless networking, providing a smoother, faster, and more responsive internet experience in homes and businesses.

Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5: What’s the Difference?

Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5 represent two generations of wireless networking standards, with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) being the successor to Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). The primary differences lie in speed, efficiency, and capacity. Wi-Fi 6 offers significantly faster data transfer rates, potentially up to 9.6 Gbps, compared to Wi-Fi 5’s 3.5 Gbps. It also introduces OFDMA and MU-MIMO technologies, enhancing network efficiency and allowing more devices to connect simultaneously without congestion. Furthermore, Wi-Fi 6 improves battery life in connected devices through Target Wake Time (TWT) and performs better in crowded areas. These advancements make Wi-Fi 6 a more robust solution for the increasing demands of modern wireless networks.

The Benefits of Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 Router

Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router brings numerous benefits, including faster internet speeds, improved range, and more efficient data handling. This is particularly beneficial in homes with multiple streaming devices, gaming consoles, and smart home gadgets.

Is Wi-Fi 6 Compatible with My Current Devices?

Wi-Fi 6 is designed with backward compatibility in mind, meaning it can work with devices that support older Wi-Fi standards like Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) and earlier. However, to fully leverage the enhanced features of Wi-Fi 6, such as increased speeds, improved efficiency, and better handling of multiple devices, your devices need to support the Wi-Fi 6 standard (802.11ax) specifically. While you’ll still see benefits like improved network efficiency when using Wi-Fi 6 with older devices, the most significant performance improvements will be noticeable only with Wi-Fi 6-compatible devices. It’s a future-proofing feature that ensures your network is ready for newer devices.

Wi-Fi 6 and Smart Home Integration

Wi-Fi 6 is a boon for smart home integration, offering the robustness and efficiency required to support an ever-growing ecosystem of connected devices. With increased capacity and improved performance even in crowded networks, Wi-Fi 6 can seamlessly handle multiple smart devices – from thermostats and security cameras to smart TVs and voice assistants. Its OFDMA technology allows more devices to connect simultaneously without compromising speed or stability. Additionally, Wi-Fi 6’s improved power efficiency extends the battery life of wireless sensors and smart home gadgets. This makes Wi-Fi 6 an ideal backbone for smart homes and proves its worth, ensuring a reliable and responsive network for all connected devices.

Exploring the 6 GHz Band in Wi-Fi 6

Wi-Fi 6 introduces the 6 GHz band, providing more spectrum and less interference for Wi-Fi networks. This means faster speeds and more reliable connections, especially in crowded areas, and defines its worth.

Wi-Fi 6E: An Extended Version of Wi-Fi 6

Wi-Fi 6E represents an extension of the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard, taking all the advanced features of Wi-Fi 6 and expanding them into the newly opened 6 GHz frequency band. This expansion provides additional spectrum, resulting in less congestion and interference than the more crowded 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Wi-Fi 6E offers wider channels and higher-capacity bandwidth, leading to faster speeds and lower latency. This makes it ideal for high-bandwidth applications like VR, 4K/8K streaming, and gaming. However, to utilize Wi-Fi 6E, the router and the connected devices must support the 6 GHz bands, ensuring the full benefits of this enhanced technology.

Wi-Fi and the 5 GHz Band: Balancing Speed and Range

Wi-Fi networks operating on the 5 GHz band offer a significant advantage in terms of speed and reduced interference compared to the more crowded 2.4 GHz band. This frequency is ideal for high-bandwidth activities like HD video streaming and gaming. However, it’s important to note that while 5 GHz provides faster data rates, its range is shorter than the 2.4 GHz band. Modern Wi-Fi routers, especially those supporting Wi-Fi 6, smartly manage 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands to optimize speed and coverage.

Ensuring Your Router Supports Wi-Fi 6 for Future-Proof Networking

To stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of internet technology, ensuring your router supports Wi-Fi 6 is crucial to define its worth. Wi-Fi 6, or 802.11ax, significantly improves speed, efficiency, and capacity over older standards. A router with Wi-Fi 6 support can handle more devices and provide faster speeds, making it a smart choice for households with multiple internet-connected devices. Upgrading to a Wi-Fi 6 router ensures your home network is ready for current and future wireless demands.

Choosing a Wi-Fi Router: The Importance of Wi-Fi Alliance Certification and WPA3 Security

When selecting a Wi-Fi router, looking for Wi-Fi Alliance certification and WPA3 security is essential. The Wi-Fi Alliance ensures that routers meet high standards of interoperability and security. WPA3, the latest security protocol, offers enhanced encryption and protection against brute-force attacks, making your Wi-Fi network more secure. A router with these features provides peace of mind, knowing that your network is compatible with a wide range of devices and offers the latest security measures.

Should You Wait for Wi-Fi 7?

With Wi-Fi 7 on the horizon, some may wonder if it’s better to wait. However, Wi-Fi 7 is still in development. Wi-Fi 6 offers significant improvements, making it a worthwhile upgrade for most users.

Upgrading from Older Wi-Fi: Embracing the 802.11ax standard

For those still using older Wi-Fi standards, upgrading to a router that supports the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard is a significant step forward and worth it. This latest standard offers improved efficiency, higher speeds, and better performance in environments with many connected devices. Upgrading to an 802.11ax router can breathe new life into your home network, providing a more seamless and responsive online experience, especially as more devices in our homes become internet-enabled.

Top Wi-Fi 6 Routers: From TP-Link to Netgear

Several manufacturers, including TP-Link and Netgear, offer top-of-the-line Wi-Fi 6 routers. These routers vary in features and price points, catering to different needs and budgets.

How to Upgrade Your Home Network to Wi-Fi 6

Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 involves selecting a compatible router and ensuring your devices can connect. It may also include updating device firmware and adjusting your network settings for optimal performance.

6E Router: The Next Evolution in Wi-Fi Technology

The 6E router represents the latest advancement in Wi-Fi, extending the capabilities and worth of Wi-Fi 6 into the 6 GHz band. This new development offers additional spectrum, leading to less congestion and interference, especially in areas with numerous Wi-Fi networks. With a 6E router, users can enjoy faster speeds and more reliable connections, making it ideal for bandwidth-intensive activities like streaming in 4K or online gaming. These routers are designed to support the newest Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard, ensuring compatibility with the latest devices and offering improved performance over older Wi-Fi standards.


Wi-Fi 6 represents a significant step forward in wireless networking technology. With its enhanced speed, capacity, and efficiency, it’s an upgrade worth considering for anyone looking to improve their wireless experience. Whether for a smart home filled with connected devices or simply for better internet performance, Wi-Fi 6 offers tangible benefits that make it a compelling choice for an upgrade.

You can get in touch with experts at Geeksonsite for the best available services. Contact us now.

The post Is Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 Worth It? A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Geeks on Site.

How to Turn Off WiFi Calling Android & iPhone https://geeksonsite.com/tech-trends/how-to-turn-off-wifi-calling-android-iphone/ Sat, 12 Aug 2023 18:27:02 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=109206 How to Turn Off WiFi Calling Android & iPhone WiFi calling has become popular in smartphones, allowing users to make and receive calls over a Wi-Fi network instead of relying solely on their cellular network. This can be especially helpful in areas with poor cellular signals or when traveling abroad. However, there may be times...

The post How to Turn Off WiFi Calling Android & iPhone appeared first on Geeks on Site.

How to Turn Off WiFi Calling Android & iPhone

WiFi calling has become popular in smartphones, allowing users to make and receive calls over a Wi-Fi network instead of relying solely on their cellular network. This can be especially helpful in areas with poor cellular signals or when traveling abroad. However, there may be times when you want to disable WiFi calling for various reasons. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to turn it off on your device.

How to Turn Off Wi-Fi Calling on iPhones

How to turn off wifi calling on Apple

WiFi Calling is a handy feature, but there may be times when you want to turn it off on your iPhone. Here’s a simple guide to help you do just that.

Step-by-step instructions for iOS 14 and above

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone. (Image: iPhone screen with Settings app open)
  2. Tap on Phone.
  3. Select WiFi Calling.
  4. You’ll see a switch next to WiFi Calling on This iPhone. Simply toggle it off.

It’s as easy as that! You’ve now turned off the feature on your iPhone running iOS 14 or above.

Troubleshooting common issues

Sometimes, you might run into issues while trying to turn off WiFi Calling. Here are a few common problems and their solutions:

  • The switch is greyed out: This could be due to restrictions set on your phone. Check in Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > Allowed Apps. Make sure Phone is allowed. (Image: iPhone screen showing the Allowed Apps settings)
  • WiFi Calling option is missing: This might be because your carrier does not support it. You can check this list of carriers that support the feature.

Remember, if you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to your service provider or Apple Support. They’re there to help!

How to Turn Off WiFi Calling on Android Phone

Turning off the feature on your Android device is a breeze. Let’s walk you through the process.

Step-by-step instructions for Android 10 and above

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device. (Image: Android screen with Settings app open)
  2. Tap on Network & Internet.
  3. Select Mobile Network.
  4. Tap on Advanced.
  5. You’ll find the WiFi Calling option. Simply toggle it off.

Voila! You’ve successfully turned off WiFi Calling on your Android device running Android 10 or above.

Troubleshooting common issues

Occasionally, you might encounter some hiccups while trying to disable WiFi Calling. Here are a couple of common issues and their solutions:

  • Can’t find the WiFi Calling option: This could be because your carrier does not support it. Check with your service provider for more information.
  • The option is greyed out: This might be due to restrictions set on your device. Check your device’s user manual or contact your manufacturer’s support for assistance.

Remember, if you’re still facing issues, your service provider or device manufacturer’s support team is just a call away! (Image: Android Support logo)

Turning Off WiFi Calling on Specific Mobile Carriers

Sometimes, disabling WiFi Calling can vary based on your mobile carrier. Let’s look at how to do it for Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile.


Phone displaying Verizon logo

  1. Open the Verizon app on your device. (Image: Verizon app icon)
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Tap on Advanced Calling.
  4. Toggle off Activate Advanced Calling.


  1. Open the AT&T app on your device. (Image: AT&T app icon)
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Select Advanced Calling.
  4. Toggle off HD Voice.


  1. Open the T-Mobile app on your device. (Image: T-Mobile app icon)
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Tap on Advanced Calling.
  4. Toggle off WiFi Calling.

Remember, if you’re having trouble, your carrier’s customer service is always ready to assist!

How does WiFi calling affect network and signal strength?

WiFi calling can positively and negatively affect your network and signal strength. Let’s explore the impacts it makes:

Exploring the impact of WiFi calling on your network

When you make a call using WiFi calling, it consumes a portion of your internet bandwidth. If you have a slow or congested Wi-Fi network, it may affect the call quality and overall network performance. However, if you have a stable and fast Wi-Fi connection, the impact on your network should be minimal.

Switching between WiFi calling and cellular network

Most Android devices are designed to automatically switch between WiFi calling and the cellular network based on availability and signal strength. If you have WiFi calling enabled, your device will prioritize using Wi-Fi for calls when a Wi-Fi network is available. When there is no Wi-Fi connection, your device will automatically switch to the cellular network for calls.

If you need support setting up your WiFi network from scratch, get in touch with our experienced technicians.

Remember, technology is there to serve you, not the other way around. So, feel free to tweak your settings until you find what works best for you. Happy calling!


The post How to Turn Off WiFi Calling Android & iPhone appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Clearing Up Connections: How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac https://geeksonsite.com/internet-security/clearing-up-connections-how-to-forget-a-wi-fi-network-on-your-mac/ Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:07:59 +0000 https://geeksonsite.com/?p=109301 Clearing Up Connections: How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac The tendency of your Apple devices, e.g., Mac, to remember every Wi-Fi network you’ve ever connected to can also be useful and a curse. While it’s convenient to automatically connect to familiar networks and remember the password, there are instances where you might...

The post Clearing Up Connections: How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac appeared first on Geeks on Site.

Clearing Up Connections: How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac

The tendency of your Apple devices, e.g., Mac, to remember every Wi-Fi network you’ve ever connected to can also be useful and a curse. While it’s convenient to automatically connect to familiar networks and remember the password, there are instances where you might want to forget a network on your Mac. Whether it’s due to network redundancy, security concerns over public networks, or a simple desire to tidy your list of networks, knowing how to manage your network preferences is essential. This guide will cover all the steps to remove the Wi-Fi network or the steps you need to take to forget a Wi-Fi network on a Mac and why it’s a good idea to know how to do so.

Mac connected to network

Why Would You Want to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac?

There are numerous reasons why you might want to forget a Wi-Fi network on your Mac. For instance, if you’ve previously connected to a public network, forgetting the network ensures your Mac won’t automatically connect to such networks every time you’re in range, protecting your data. This will prevent you from connecting to the wrong network each time. If you’ve changed your Wi-Fi password, your Mac may have trouble connecting to the networks every time using the old, remembered password, requiring you to forget the network and its password to enter the new one.

How to Access Network Preferences on MacOS?

To forget a Wi-Fi network on your Mac, you’ll need to access your Network Preferences via System Preferences. To do so, click on the Apple logo in the top left of your screen, choose “System Preferences”, then “Network”. The list of networks you have previously connected to, known as your “Preferred Networks”, will appear in this panel.

How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac?

After accessing Network Preferences, find the network you want to remove, select forget, and click the minus button next to the list. This will remove the network from your preferred networks. Keep in mind your Mac must not be currently connected to the network in question to forget it.

How to Stop Your Mac from Automatically Joining a Network?

If you don’t want your Mac to automatically connect to a network or you want the Mac to forget a wifi network, you can turn off the Auto-Join feature. Again, access Network Preferences and find the connected network you wish to remove. Click on the “Advanced” button and untick the “Automatically join this network” box next to the network’s name. This turns off Auto-join and will stop your Mac from automatically joining such networks the next time your Apple device, e.g., Mac, encounters one.

Can You Rejoin a Network You’ve Forgotten on Your Mac?

The short answer is yes, you can rejoin a wireless network you’ve forgotten. However, you’ll need to enter the Wi-Fi password again, as forgetting a network on your Apple device, such as Mac, means it will also forget the password associated with it, and you will not be able to login the next time you’re trying to do so. You now need to reassign a different password to it and reenter it on your Apple device, such as your Mac computer, to login.

How to Forget a Network on Your iPhone or iPad?

If you’re using a supervised iPhone or iPad, you can also remove any network you want to forget. Open Settings, select Wi-Fi, find the network you’re currently using, then select the information button (i) next to the network name. Then, click “Forget This Network”.


How to Remove Redundant Networks from Your Mac?

Over time, you may have connected to various networks that are now redundant or one you no longer need. To remove them, go through your preferred networks list and remove the ones you don’t need, following the steps described earlier in this guide. This will tidy up your list of networks.

How to Configure Your Mac to Auto-Join New Networks?

If you’d like your Mac to automatically join new networks, head to System Preferences, then Network, and click the “Ask to join new networks” checkbox. This will prompt a notification asking whether you want your Mac to join new networks it encounters.  In this way, you will be able to set up new wifi networks.

What Happens When You Forget a Network on Mac?

When you forget a wifi network on a Mac, it will remove all details of that network from your system, including the password. This means your Mac will no longer automatically connect to and remember the network, and you’ll need to manually select and enter the password to reconnect to the network automatically.


In conclusion, managing your Mac’s Wi-Fi network connections plays a crucial role in optimizing performance, enhancing security, and maintaining a tidy digital workspace. Whether it’s to forget a Wi-Fi network, prevent automatic connections, or configure your system to join new networks, understanding the ins and outs of your Network Preferences can greatly improve your Mac user experience. As technology continues to evolve, so should your knowledge and control over your digital environment. Now that you know how to forget a Wi-Fi network on your Mac, you’re one step closer to mastering your MacOS experience.

Also, remember that it is so incredibly important to have a secure wireless network at home, and you can always turn to us to help you with the installation from the beginning!

The post Clearing Up Connections: How to Forget a Wi-Fi Network on Your Mac appeared first on Geeks on Site.
